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Blog post 1: Looking on the bright side


Updated: Feb 13, 2021

There are multiple reason I named my memoir "looking on bright-side" its because ever since covid hit in March 202o so many things were taken from me such as my first year on campus at ISU, my job that I loved dearly, and a trip called "Blast" that I take every year with my church. Yes, things could always be worse but its the little things that always matter to me and the few things I looked forward most to were taken away in the blink of an eye. I am a person who needs a steady and everyday routine because I struggle with depression and anxiety, something I am now comfortable speaking out about because it needs to be brought to awareness more. Since this is something I struggle with, when something so small is taken away from me or there is a slight shift in my routine it tends to scare me because I will need to find something else to fill that void. On a positive note and on the other aspect of this, I learned to look on the bright side of things, being able to get so much family time in because I am home, seeing my grandparents more than I ever have before, and learning a whole different way of life, you know... online school, which was scary at first but I got it down fast! I have learned that everything that has a negative outcome can always have a positive aspect to it! This photo was taken at a church trip before covid hit, and it has been something that has gotten me through hard times. The saying is true, everything will be alright.

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Jan 24, 2021

COVID has taken so much from everyone in the last year. Hopefully by next fall we will be doing regular college kid thinks and not having to worry about a pandemic.


Adrianna Fontana
Adrianna Fontana
Jan 24, 2021

I really liked your post. I feel like I have a hard time looking on the bright side sometimes but your post was really positive and inspiring. Trying to think more positive is always a good thing and I am happy to hear you are trying to think that way more!


Lyndsey Butler
Lyndsey Butler
Jan 22, 2021

I like that you are able to look at the bright side of things, like family, while going through the hard parts in life. It is great to see you had your family to chug you along! Also, what a cool pic.


Ashley Coleman
Ashley Coleman
Jan 21, 2021

I like your memoir, it was very inspiring. I can definitely agree, I'm not a big fan of change, I program myself to be on a routine as well. Sometimes, change is good because we start to become comfortable with the same thing. I'm glad that you are starting to adapt with everything that is going on. Yes, everything is going to be alright. Great Job!

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