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Blog post 17: Juvenile Court system & Middle Schools


Updated: May 3, 2021

Speaking on raw topics like theres are almost never easy, simply because how contraverisial they can be. I was left angry and frustrated with our juvenile court system when I learned that a bill had passed in some states that youths can be charged as adults now. Even saying that out loud schools me, how can something like they be true or even legal? The situation is completley diffrent with adults, 18+ being charged with crimes or legal issues they comminited but in the case of 17 and younger, its absolutley applaing. YA are constantly developing and going through puberty and many other emotional and physical changes. Teens and YA make choices in the moment and don't process the consequences , after all their brains aren't even full developed and cant even process the full capacity of their negative choices and the consequences to follow. We simply need to do better as a society. Instead of a life sentence a guidance counselor or seeking help can be more impactful and even education to YA, not being charged as an adult when they aren't an adult. Troubles teens need guidence and overall postive and impactful attention.

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