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Blog post 8: Memoir challenge book

The book I chose for my memoir challenge is Loud In The House of Myself by Stacy Pershall. I chose this book because it was said to be about how Stacy Pershall suffered in many different ways regarding mental health and physical healthy with surrounds our classrooms a tremendous amount in society today. I ultimately chose this book because I'm interested to read how she recovered from her "mental health hell" as she states, and went from the struggling 13-year-old to the strong woman she is today.

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1 comentário

Ashley Coleman
Ashley Coleman
24 de fev. de 2021

Hi Madison, I'm interested in learning more about your book. I'm eager to see what you find out about Stacy mental health and how she has recover from it. I'm excited to see what we insight we have learn from our memoir project. Good luck on your project!

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