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  • mamorr6

Blog post 5: Professional learning network check-in

The class has created a whole new outlook on teaching in the most positive way possible! Networking and using social platforms have always been somewhat "scary" for me up until now. Having twitter and having being able to see others peoples ideas on teaching has opened my eyes in so many ways. Not only has twitter allowed me to find out new information and keep up with the education world but it has allowed me to open up and be outgoing with my feelings and views about teaching and the circumstances and impact the world has had on teaching... you know because of covid. With the outgoing personality I have and of course my may opinions, twitter has allowed me to express the way I feel and view other peoples feelings as well as my classmates too which creates an even bigger perspective and eye opener for me. I truly believe that having a professional/teaching twitter account is ideal because you can communicate with anyone and everyone which creates such a positive impact on the teaching world. In some way it has made me feel that not only teachers but soon to be teachers, like myself are in a small community together trying to benefit ourselves, students, and other teachers!

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Jennifer Robillard
Jennifer Robillard
Mar 02, 2021

Hey Madison, I can totally see where you are coming from with finding so much good and comfort in using Twitter and having a professional learning network. You mentioned that you found a "professional/teaching Twitter account is ideal because you can communicate with anyone and everyone which creates such a positive impact on the teaching world" what other ways do you think that could work when it comes to connecting with other educators and creating a professional learning network?

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