When it comes to my ideas and beliefs on my teaching platform, I have the same thoughts and ideas just a bigger and broader perspective on them. Throughout this semester I have gained a tremendous amount of knowledge on creating a successful classroom and learning environment for my future students all while learning how I can be a great leader and teacher for my future students. I believed in these teaching platforms as soon as I read them, the only difference is now I know how vital these roles are in teaching young adolescents and helping them grow on their own.
- What is the purpose of schooling?
The purpose of schooling is to teach young minds not only academically but as adults that will be significant and needed in society on day. Schooling should be a journey of gaining perception and wisdom and education and life.
- What is your image of the learner?
The image I choose for my students is looking at them as if they are a teacher to me as well. I want my students to teach me about themselves and show me what they can do as my students. I like this idea because it will allow my students to trust me and not feel in superior to me.
- What should be nature and substance of student work?
Students should not only be gaining knowledge academically but as a person in society as well. Students should be interacting with classmates and in groups to learn about other peoples and themselves. In my opinion, you learn about yourself a significant amount when surrounded by other people’s ideas because you can grow as learner together, not apart.
- What is your image of the teacher?
A teacher is not only someone who teaches you lessons in math or English or whatever you may be learning, a teacher is also someone to look up to and trust as well as someone who helps you be the best possible version of yourself. A teacher should try to relate with their students to create a personal bond.
- What is your image of the curriculum?
Curriculum should be something that push students to meet their full potential when it comes to learning, but not drive them away from it. Curriculum should be an even balance between challenging and pleasurable. Students should set goals separately and as a classroom that way they can feel they are working together
- What is preferred pedology?
My preferred pedology as a future teacher would be inquiry-oriented because each student should feel permissible to include their thoughts and ideas to allow them to feel successful and worthy of their own ideas. Having a discipline centered classroom can close students off and disengage students from effective learning.
- What is preferred school climate?
A preferred school climate would be positive and healthy classroom with students that are comfortable with their peers and instructor. When trust and positivity are elements used in a classroom it makes learning effective.
- What is the social significance of the student’s learning?
The social significance of a student’s learning is to gain knowledge of not only one self but of each other and the students peers. When you have a student learn not about themselves but the people around them it creates a prosperous classroom. A student’s learning has a lot to do with their success in society which is why creating a classroom to make students better learners and people is important
Hi Madison!- I agree with you that from learning in class, ideas around the our teaching platforms have gotten broader. The basic fact of students changing has broaden to reasons of understanding why. Since know I know why, I have more ideas for image of a learner, which you have great points! Good job!
Hi Madison!
I thought you had really great points for your post, I thought you really explained them well and I had some similar thoughts on the curriculum part of this platform. It is very important for the teacher to know their students and to find what was of teaching will work best for each student. The curriculum should be changing enough for the students to meet their full potential but it is important to make sure it is too changing for them and then makes them not want to try as hard in the future. Overall though I think you have a great platform right now and I can't wait to see it finished!
I like what you said about how curriculum should be to the students full potential without pushing them away. I think it is so important to challenge students but in a way that makes it fun and the don't feel overwhelmed. Curriculum can be really difficult to make entertaining and engaging for students to it is all about balance. I agree that students need to know how they can affect society in all type of ways with their actions through volunteering etc! -Taylor
I agree with you students learn about themselves when they are surrounded by their peers. They can learn from each other and also if they don't agree with something that their peer does, they can talk to them about it. You will be a great teacher, now you know to use these roles with your future students. Great Job!